by Leigh Rhodes - Compensation Advocacy and Support Officer
Last week I attended the Armed Forces and Veterans engagement event for service charities at Veterans UK- Norcross. It was an informative and engaging event, enabling service charities and Veterans UK to come together to better understand some of the challenges faced by claimants making claims under the Armed Forces compensation schemes and by Veterans UK and how as a collective, we can improve the experience for the claimants. It was encouraging to a hear about some of the improvements already made by veterans UK and their vision for the future. One example of a recent improvement is the new complaints process- reducing the number of stages of a complaint and simplifying it, speaking with and listening to complainants and working hard to put things right and learning from mistakes made. The event provided a great opportunity for service charities to meet the teams at Veterans UK and see the processes first hand and explore ways in which as a collective we can work better to improve the claims experience for our Armed Forces community.